“Mouse Palace” @ Kino Eulen, Essen

June 6, 2024

“17 km” @ Crossing Europe Film Festival


“Apnoe” @ viv:id in Grenoble

as part of the show “L’Eau Qui Dort”, May 3 to June 1, 2024

Curating “POLITICKS” @ BSL Cinema Vienna

The program with political films which employ artistic means for political content

will be shown from Nov 24 to 28, 2022 @ https://breitenseer-lichtspiele.at/event/politicks-kurzfilme-von-harald-mit-publikumsgespraech/

Dropping Furniture @ Gallery Weekend Budapest

Hund & Horn’s film Dropping Furniture is part of the group show

“Irreconcilables” at Budapest Project Gallery (HU) Sept 9 to 23, 2017

Empire of Evil @ gegenkino Leipzig

April 6 to 16, 2017 http://gegenkino.de

Empire of Evil @ Filmfest Dresden

EoE takes part in the competition of short film festival

Dresden and earns a special mention of the jury


Presentation @ Sigmund

Empire of Evil plus pictures from Iran and a sculpture showing at offspace

Sigmund in Vienna, http://www.sigmund.club/index/#/empire-of-evil/

DVD Release

Dec 19, 2016 Medienwerkstatt Wien releases a DVD of my solo works.

Find info under http://www.position-n.at/programme/prog9.php

Video Screening

Empire of Evil showing at This Human World film festival in Vienna.

Sat Dec 3, 2016, 23:00 @ Topkino

Find out more: http://www.thishumanworld.com/